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Oscar perunalaatikkoa lihapullilla

Oscar potato salad with meatballs

8 dl Potato slices from cooked potatoes
OR Mature oatmeal
OR Mature rice
1 dl Grated root vegetables e.g., carrots
1 dl Cottage cheese
1 dl Hyla-cream milk, cream, etc.
1 dl grated cheese
Oscar Meatballs

Place the potatoes, root vegetables and cottage cheese in layers in a baking tray. Use cooked rice or oatmeal if your dog is not used to potatoes. Note: For dogs, potatoes should be served well cooked. Add milk and sprinkle grated cheese on top at the end of the baking. Cook in a hot oven at about 250 °C for about 15 minutes. If you wish, you can add the Pork- Herring cheese buns in layers to the baking tray to cook the meat, or you can add the buns raw to the finished potato dish. The Oscar Beef and Veal Buns also go well here.

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