Become a regular customer of our factory outlet!
By becoming a Lemmikki Oy Factory Shop loyalty customer, you can take advantage of our weekly changing loyalty offers, be among the first to receive information about our new products and current news and events in our shop. Joining our loyalty scheme is quick and easy, you can do it either through our website or by joining our shop when you visit us. As a loyalty customer, you will receive a loyalty card, which you can show at the checkout to receive the benefits you are entitled to.
In our shop you will find a wide range of locally made products from our own factory:
- Raw food for dogs and cats
- Dry food
- Dog sausages
- Treats
- Food for outdoor birds
In addition to products made in our own factory, the range includes:
- accessories for dogs and cats (collars, leashes, beds, etc.)
- toys
- dry food (including Golden Eagle, Frank´s Pro Gold, Breederline, Racinel Black label, Hunt & Watch, Werraton, Dagsmark, Platinum)
In addition to cash, we accept all major debit and credit cards as well as Visa Electron.
Factory outlet
Kallantie 19, 70400 KUOPIO
mon-fri 9-18
sat 10-15
tel. (017) 369 840
Pets are welcome to come shopping with us!
More information
Store manager Ulla Lipponen-Lindqvist:
Please let us know in advance about larger pick-ups, either tel. 017 369 84 03 or email: