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How do I choose the right bird food?

Bird feeding plays an important role in Finland, as during the long, cold winters, birds are poorly fed in the wild. Regular winter feeding helps birds to survive the winter and should be started when the food supply in the wild decreases. A safe and adequate food supply is important in harsh winter conditions. The food provided must have a high energy content so that the bird does not spend more energy on feeding than it gets from it.

Different species of birds have different favourite foods. Fat/meat is one of the most popular foods for many species. It is tasty and very nutritious. High-fat fat blocks are absolutely essential at the bird feeder. Birds also like sunflower seeds, peanuts, oats and millet, among others. When it comes to seeds, remember that unshelled seeds are always better, as they do not litter and the bird does not have to expend unnecessary energy shelling them. Seeds do not have the energy content and digestibility of fat in the bird's body, but they can be used at the feeding site as a supplement to suet. Nuts should be offered in a reduced size.

Domestic Winter Bird and Tintin fat seed mixtures are particularly well designed to meet the nutritional needs of birds wintering in Finland. They are rich in energy and digest well in the bird's body. Domestic products contain considerably more energy than competing imported products such as winter pellets. Lemmikki Ltd has a range of other great tasting domestic winter and spring bird food products in addition to our fat seed mixes, check out our full range of products.

Fat and tallow



Oats and millet

Fruit and berries

Titmouses: great tit, Long-tailed tit, Coal tit, Crested tit, Willow tit, Grey-headed chickadee, Eurasian blue tit



x (only crushed)

Sparrow, Eurasian Tree Sparrow




x (only crushed)


Woodpeckers: Great Spotted Woodpecker, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Grey-headed Woodpecker, White-backed Woodpecker, Middle-spotted Woodpecker



Siberian Jay, Eurasian Jay,

Carrion Crow, Eurasian Magpie,

Eurasian Nutcracker




Seed eaters: Eurasian Bullfinch,

European Greenfinch, Chaffinch,

Brambling, Hawfinch, European Goldfinch, Common Redpoll, Eurasian Nuthatch


x (crushed for some)


x (Unshelled)


Blackbird, fieldfare

x (only crushed)


Bohemian Waxwing


Pheasant, partridge


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